I just got home from a long weekend in KC, MO. I had a blast. Friday night and Saturday night I spent with my dear friend Meghan O, whom I have known forever. We slept in late on Saturday and then headed to Parvkville or Parkview, I can't remember. Anyway it is cute little town on the Missouri river that had lots of shops, restaurants, and a walking trail along the river. We did some looking around, ate and walked the 2 mile trail. On our way back we stoped at a little shopping plaza where we spent some time outside of a coffee shop and than both bought some Vera Bradley pieces that were on sale! We went to Ameristar the casino and ate some real Kansas City BBQ. And we also tried to gamble or at leasat figure out the casinos we were so confused. I ended up losing $.76 so really not that bad. I only put a $1. in the machine! We rented a few movies and hit Sheridan the custard place in KC. We watched P.S. I love you and Lars and the Real Girl, well I finished the movies, Meghan didn't make it all the way through the last one. Both were really good.
I had a great time with Meghan and I wish her the best in her new experience in a few weeks in Houston in Teach for America. She will be great.
I headed to visit the Gacke's on Sunday afternoon. It was fun to spend time with my sis, Tom and Cole & Merrick. Sunday Bec prepared a great dinner and than I played with the kids, we also went to Sheridan's for custard, don't worry I tried something different (both were freaking awesome, and I wish we had those here). This morning consisted of more playing and then attempting to paint Merrick and the new baby's room Cotton Candy Pink. Bec and I moved all the furniture and taped off the baseboards. We put on two coats with Tom's help. I think both Becky and I realized that we didn't get the artistic painting gene in the family. It didn't look that bad and as both of them kept saying once we get everything put away the room will look great. I hope Macy likes it. Merrick already does! I feel kind of bad I didn't get to hang with Cole much. I promised the next time I came down I would take him to Cici's, just me and him. I will have to do that!
thanks everyone for the great weekend.
I talked to Bob on Friday night. He is alive, but was feeling sick. I hope he is feeling better and that he had a good birthday.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Happy Birthday Bob

It is officially Bob's birthday in India so I thought I could post a special Happy Birthday message. It is actually Bob's golden birthday, he turns 24 on the 24th. I hope he is treated like gold b/c he deserves it too. He is going to try to call tonight so I will get a chance to talk to him on his day. Wish I could be spending it with him though.
I received an email from him and laughed out loud b/c he was telling me about when he bought something in India the man said "Thank you come again" just like Apu from the Simpsons. Good for Bob thinking about the sterotypical Indian man while he seeing horrible poverty and the slums of Calcutta.
I'm leaving for KC after work today to spend time with Meghan O. and than my sis. I think we are going to paint Merrick & Macy's room. I told my sister she could only paint if she bought the non-toxic stuff!
Happy Birthday Bob-love you.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Last night was really great! After spending time with The PCC, I got together with my cousin Ali and my friend Angela to go see Poison Control Center here in Omaha. Ali's boyfriend met up with us and we watched the band. We all had a good time and it was fun to get out and do something. Just after the boys finished their set Bob called. I am so glad I was able to talk to him. Although it was only for a few minutes it was nice. It seemed so odd hearing his voice. It was like I had forgotten what he sounded like. He said things were going okay. They were all really hot. He also told me a little bit about what they are doing in India. He said that it took about 2 hours for him to feed a little boy b/c he couldn't eat. He also said that the nuns that they are working with have more patience than he could ever imagine even having. We also discussed when his birthday was. He is so messed up on his days that he thought his birthday is Friday, it isn't , it is Saturday. He hopes to call before than too so I am pretty excited I will get to talk to him again this week.
Bob's mom emailed me what one of the other girls on the trip had emailed her family. The things they are seeing in India are just shocking and I guess the smell is just horrible. Everyone keeps saying that this is a life changing experience. I just wish I could be there too!
Sounds like Bob's car is going to be towed to Rochester, MN and than his dad will go and get it from there. I'm glad that his family can take care of cars, b/c that is just the worst feeling.
I had a nice day today as I didn't have to drive to Lincoln. I worked about 5 hours from home. I actually got lots done and had time to hang out, it was great!
Bob's mom emailed me what one of the other girls on the trip had emailed her family. The things they are seeing in India are just shocking and I guess the smell is just horrible. Everyone keeps saying that this is a life changing experience. I just wish I could be there too!
Sounds like Bob's car is going to be towed to Rochester, MN and than his dad will go and get it from there. I'm glad that his family can take care of cars, b/c that is just the worst feeling.
I had a nice day today as I didn't have to drive to Lincoln. I worked about 5 hours from home. I actually got lots done and had time to hang out, it was great!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Bob's in the airport.

I got an email today from the group's family that the plane to Dehli arrived safely. It was nice to know that Bob got to India safely. When he left he told me he would try to call me at least twice while he was gone. I personally thought that sucked and after speaking to someone almost every day for the past 4 years it is kind of hard to comprehend. Well lucky for me at about 1:30 this afternoon I got a call from him. He sounded very tired and a little out of it. He said that the reason he called is he needed my measurements for a Sari. He promised to get me a real Indian Sari, and wanted to get it in Calcutta. The phone call only lasted about 3 minutes, but it was so nice to hear his voice, especially because I wasn't expecting to hear from him for at least a week. Saturday the 24th is Bob's birthday and he is going to try to call that day so I can wish him a Happy Birthday, they are about 11.5 hours ahead so I will be anxiously waiting to hear from him on the 23rd.
Today was a nice relaxing day, I spent the morning reading a book outside and drinking coffee, then it was cleaning and laundry and grocery shopping. I actually picked up Bob's room.
Poison Control Center is on tour now and I will play hostest tomorrow and Tuesday to the boys. It will be nice to have them in the house. I didn't really clean for them as it is 4 guys and I will just clean after they leave :)
As bored as I have been this weekend I am NOT looking forward to work this week. But being gone from the house for 12 hours a day will help some.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
And he is off...
Just got back from the airport and dropped Bob off. I didn't think I would have that much trouble saying goodbye until my sister called and there went the flood gates. So one month and he will be back.
We had a really good time on before he left. Thursday night we grilled and Bob had steak before he went to the land of worshipping the cow, not eating it. We also had some real American corn on the cob. Watched the office on Thursday night, what a shocker. I was disappointed that Pam and Jim are not engaged yet and now I have to wait until next season.
Friday we slept in late bummed around and than Bob left for his group meeting and I was getting ready for an interview I had Friday afternoon. Bob called and his car had broken down along side of the road. He had just been saying, that it was being weird but wasn't going to worry about it until after he got back from India. After having it towed back to our place and pushing it into his spot behind our house I had to rush him over to the meeting and than rush to the interview that went okay.
We went downtown when I returned, got some coffee, and than walked around. We realized we had a lot of extra time so we went to get a drink during happy hour, and than went to eat at a Cajun restaurant just outside of Old Market. It is a New Orleans themed place called Jazz. We were there too early for the band but the food was really good and not that expensive. We walked around some more, came back and watched the Twins game and finished packing his bags. This morning we just got him ready to go and than there he went. It was nice to spend some time with Bob before he left. I really hope he enjoys his trip, but I hope it goes by fast. REALLY FAST.
The weather is really nice here so I am going to spend some time outside, but I do plan on deep cleaning the house. Even cleaning my closet and such. Well I am being a little ambitious. We will see.
We had a really good time on before he left. Thursday night we grilled and Bob had steak before he went to the land of worshipping the cow, not eating it. We also had some real American corn on the cob. Watched the office on Thursday night, what a shocker. I was disappointed that Pam and Jim are not engaged yet and now I have to wait until next season.
Friday we slept in late bummed around and than Bob left for his group meeting and I was getting ready for an interview I had Friday afternoon. Bob called and his car had broken down along side of the road. He had just been saying, that it was being weird but wasn't going to worry about it until after he got back from India. After having it towed back to our place and pushing it into his spot behind our house I had to rush him over to the meeting and than rush to the interview that went okay.
We went downtown when I returned, got some coffee, and than walked around. We realized we had a lot of extra time so we went to get a drink during happy hour, and than went to eat at a Cajun restaurant just outside of Old Market. It is a New Orleans themed place called Jazz. We were there too early for the band but the food was really good and not that expensive. We walked around some more, came back and watched the Twins game and finished packing his bags. This morning we just got him ready to go and than there he went. It was nice to spend some time with Bob before he left. I really hope he enjoys his trip, but I hope it goes by fast. REALLY FAST.
The weather is really nice here so I am going to spend some time outside, but I do plan on deep cleaning the house. Even cleaning my closet and such. Well I am being a little ambitious. We will see.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Too much Big Red for this girl.
I went to the Creighton vs. Nebraska baseball game last night at the legendary Rosenblat Stadium. Our friend Ryan's birthday was yesterday and his wife Jamie's company had tickets we could use. I was excited to see a baseball game b/c it has been a while but after arriving at the stadium I realized I did not prepare myself to be in the midst of thousands of Husker fans. Thoughts were rolling through my head about how odd these people really are. The stadium was packed with red all over. One quote was, "The Heartland is a little too extreme for me."~This coming from the California girl. Our group of friends down here are great b/c we all know that in just three years we will be packing our things and leaving Nebraska.
So the game was awful. Creighton is not that great at baseball this year and the others have a decent team. Being in the small blue minority of the stadium and losing didn't make the game all that fun. The wind was really brisk, and Bob and I left after the 6th inning. I think we were both tired but it was hard for us to walk out on a game.
We got home in time to see the Twins lose and eat some Taco Bell for dinner before it was off to bed for Ashley so I could drive to the home of the Huskers this am.
3 days until Bob leaves for India. He is getting his HIV test today. I told him to come back with a good result b/c it wouldn't be very fun to find out he has AIDS. I'm not really in the mood for that.
On a more positive note, I think I received my stimulus check, however it was not for a full $600. That concerns me some. Bob and I are just that much closer to buying our new LCD HDTV when he returns. We are hoping that they come down in price even more this summer as they already have. Yes we are putting our money from the government back into the economy. So it will kind of go to the Chinese economy as well, but when the US starts making decent electronics we will buy their's.
So the game was awful. Creighton is not that great at baseball this year and the others have a decent team. Being in the small blue minority of the stadium and losing didn't make the game all that fun. The wind was really brisk, and Bob and I left after the 6th inning. I think we were both tired but it was hard for us to walk out on a game.
We got home in time to see the Twins lose and eat some Taco Bell for dinner before it was off to bed for Ashley so I could drive to the home of the Huskers this am.
3 days until Bob leaves for India. He is getting his HIV test today. I told him to come back with a good result b/c it wouldn't be very fun to find out he has AIDS. I'm not really in the mood for that.
On a more positive note, I think I received my stimulus check, however it was not for a full $600. That concerns me some. Bob and I are just that much closer to buying our new LCD HDTV when he returns. We are hoping that they come down in price even more this summer as they already have. Yes we are putting our money from the government back into the economy. So it will kind of go to the Chinese economy as well, but when the US starts making decent electronics we will buy their's.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Down with a job.
It is really amazing how slow a day can go. And it is never good when you get to work, look at the clock, and realize you have only been there for 30 minutes and still have 9 hours and 30 minutes left to be there. It is funny when you are so busy doing something time flies and you never have enough hours in your day. And than when you have absolutely nothing to do it seems like each second goes by slower and slower.
When I am at home and I have nothing to do, I do absolutely nothing, which is nice of course but I feel so worthless and tired. When I have lots to do, I am pumped, and rush around and get 10 more things done than I had even planned. The same goes for work. At my old job I was constantly running from one thing to the next and always had a list of things to do the next day. Now I dread coming in and my list of things to do is done within the first 10 minutes.
I know there are probably a ton of people wishing they were in my place. But I thrive on being busy. Especially when I dislike it so much here.
I'm sorry to complain about my job, I know people hate to listen to it. It is annoying. Just wish and pray I get a new job soon!
When I am at home and I have nothing to do, I do absolutely nothing, which is nice of course but I feel so worthless and tired. When I have lots to do, I am pumped, and rush around and get 10 more things done than I had even planned. The same goes for work. At my old job I was constantly running from one thing to the next and always had a list of things to do the next day. Now I dread coming in and my list of things to do is done within the first 10 minutes.
I know there are probably a ton of people wishing they were in my place. But I thrive on being busy. Especially when I dislike it so much here.
I'm sorry to complain about my job, I know people hate to listen to it. It is annoying. Just wish and pray I get a new job soon!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Simply the Best
After getting home from a long day at work and ready to be done for the weekend yesterday I recieved a package in the mail. Inside was the sweetest card and a beautiful necklace from my good friend Mesa. She is such a sweet heart and is so giving. She is always there to listen and complain to and I don't know what I would do without her as a friend. She also is there to help with any questions. She is so smart.
We were college roommates and learned alot from each other. Mostly that we shouldn't live together! We may not have alway had the best relationship but I think it has grown so much in the past years. Without Mesa I would have never met Bob, so thank you!
Mesa really has her life together. Her and Tony (Bob's best friend) have bought a house this winter and it is awesome. She has a great job. And now two little kittens. I can't wait to spend more time with you soon.
Bob and I look forward to living in the same City as you guys someday, but until then... we will have to just visit.
Mesa, Thank you!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Gomez, my 3rd favorite player?

This years Minnesota Twins have seen so many new faces. One of those faces just hit for the cycle last night agaist the White Sox! And I missed all of it. The game was in a rain delay so started about an hour and a half late. So I watched my favorite Wednesday night TV, Wifeswap and Supernanny. After Supernanny was over we switched it over to see if the Twins had started yet and sure enough, it was 1-0. Bob looked on-line to find out Carlos Gomez hit a homerun. After watching the Twins bat in the 2nd and 3rd I decided I should go to sleep as it was going to be an early morning again. This morning I woke up late so I didn't go to the gym but turned on the TV to catch some Sports Center. On the bottom scroll I saw Twins 13 White Sox 1 Gomez hits for cycle first time since my old favorite player, KIRBY PUCKETT.
At the beginning of the season Bob joked, jeez Gomez is my new favorite player b/c he is good, he hustles and tries all the time, but he bunts all the time too. I'm glad to see he is swinging the bat. I still am in love with Nick Punto (who had a tripple & a double) and I have to love Mike Redmond (who had a double, what?) b/c he is also good and he isn't Joe Mauer, aka Baby Jesus. So my 3rd favorite player has got to me Gomez. Way to go little guy.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Contagious Allergies
The past few days have been horrible for allergies. That is this is the first time I have ever had allergies in my life. I don't know what happened. Growing up I only remember my dad having allergies complaining of horrible hay fever. Bob is allergic to so much, seasonal, cats, dust etc. So I have decided that there are only two logical reasons A. I am allergic to Nebraska or B. Allergies are contagious and living with Bob has made me have seasonal allergies. What? Are you saying both are wrong. Well all I know is that I don't feel stellar and it seems to be the excuse people are sick right now.
Bob finished up his last major final today. He has one left on Friday that is not too concerned about. I am excited for him to be done with school, I think he is probably even more excited than I am. Either way today is Cinco de Mayo and we are having tacos for dinner, I should have gotten some tequila for us and done shots tonight. Just kidding! Maybe I will have a pop to be completely crazy.
The weather is gorgeous out so I am hoping I can enjoy that a little too today. I took a half day off tomorrow so I will be able to get out and enjoy the day a little more tomorrow. Happy 5th of May everyone.
Bob finished up his last major final today. He has one left on Friday that is not too concerned about. I am excited for him to be done with school, I think he is probably even more excited than I am. Either way today is Cinco de Mayo and we are having tacos for dinner, I should have gotten some tequila for us and done shots tonight. Just kidding! Maybe I will have a pop to be completely crazy.
The weather is gorgeous out so I am hoping I can enjoy that a little too today. I took a half day off tomorrow so I will be able to get out and enjoy the day a little more tomorrow. Happy 5th of May everyone.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Happy Double Digits Cole
Happy Birthday to my favorite nephew Cole.
Cole is the greatest kid in the world. I love him so much! I was in 8th grade when he was born and him and my sis lived across the hall from me. It was a great experience as I had not been around a baby and I was learning so much. I got to babysit him the summer after he was born while my sister worked and my mom was busy cleaning up the messes. I think we had a special little bond, of course not as big of a bond as he does with Bumpa. Cole has so many Fleming traits and he blends with our family so well. I can't imagine the past 10 years without him.
He got to go to St. Louis for a mini vaca for his birthday where they caught the Cubs vs the Cardinals, The Arch and the free St. Louis Zoo, where his little sister got to see the Grizzly Bear have diarrhea! Happy Birthday Cole, can't wait to see you next.
Try the Thai
I have been craving Thai food for a while. We really have only had it once since we moved to Omaha. Going out to eat was what Bob and I would do back in the Twin Cities. We would go out to eat at least twice sometimes 3 or 4 times in a week. I love trying new types of food but really found that Thai was one of my favorites. Last night Bob and I went to a Thai restaurant here in Omaha. As usual we were the first people in the place but it soon started to fill up. We both had entrees and an appetizer and the bill was only $25. The food was great and we both stuffed ourselves silly. We went to the mall on our way home to walk it off and get some clothes for Bob for his trip. I didn't get anything as I had already spent my Saturday shopping. I even got a new pair of shoes 30% off thanks to my cousin's boyfriend who manages a Famous Footwear.
Well this is the last weekend I have for a while where Bob spends it all at school. The first time he spent the whole weekend I loved it, I could do so much around the house. Now I am completely tired of it. Tomorrow is his last major test of the year. He has another one on Friday but doesn't seem too concerned about it. I'm excited for him. It is amazing how quickly his first year of med school is over. Only 3 years of school left and than residency. I know I have to get used to him being gone, but it would be nice to just share some time together when we both were not so tired.
Well the rest of my weekend will consist of laundry, grocery shopping, making dinner and whatever else I can come up to fill my weekend.
I am working a 4 10 hour days this week. I love not having to go to Lincoln on Fridays but I hate the days leading up to that. I am taking Tuesday afternoon off for vacation so I hope that makes the week go by a little faster.
Well this is the last weekend I have for a while where Bob spends it all at school. The first time he spent the whole weekend I loved it, I could do so much around the house. Now I am completely tired of it. Tomorrow is his last major test of the year. He has another one on Friday but doesn't seem too concerned about it. I'm excited for him. It is amazing how quickly his first year of med school is over. Only 3 years of school left and than residency. I know I have to get used to him being gone, but it would be nice to just share some time together when we both were not so tired.
Well the rest of my weekend will consist of laundry, grocery shopping, making dinner and whatever else I can come up to fill my weekend.
I am working a 4 10 hour days this week. I love not having to go to Lincoln on Fridays but I hate the days leading up to that. I am taking Tuesday afternoon off for vacation so I hope that makes the week go by a little faster.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Bossy Baby Children
As my sister before me I did some interesting observations on birth order while I was in High school. I wrote a paper on it and still notice things today about birth order. You know the tipical oldest child, middle children and the dreaded baby of the family. To have a good relationship you need to find a balance. Like my parents, one is the oldest and one is a middle child. That is the same with my sister. Well putting two babies of a family together in their own little world always doesn't work out the best. Bob and I are both the yougest children and we both were spoiled growing up and still are.
Two nights ago we did not have hot water in the shower. I was so upset wondering how we were going to function in the morning. Bob was busy studdying and did not have time to worry about the shower. But I wanted my way. After convincing him I would not go on until he had tried to solve the problem he also became worried about this. The water was fixed yesterday and all is well.
Each night we do our own thing but want to be involved in what the other is doing too. We have to come home and tell each other about what happened and we are both interested in what the other was doing. Suprisingly if you put two babies together it can work out!
So when I was getting my coffee this morning I pulled out $2.00. It ended up being $2.03 so I was digging through my purse to find 3 cents. The manager kept saying no I got it don't worry about it. But I insisted on paying for my drink. He than said, does your boyfriend ever tell you how stubborn you are? And I said, Stubborn, you don't even know stubborn you should see my boyfriend.
So then I get on to my blog and my bossy boyfriend tries to tell me I'm wrong saying I spelled the Cliffs of Moher wrong, saying it is Mohr. So being stubborn I am leaving it and maybe someone who has never been there should just keep their trap shut. Moher is the Irish way of spelling it. Moher, Mohr, or Mohair are all ways of spelling the best place ever!
Two nights ago we did not have hot water in the shower. I was so upset wondering how we were going to function in the morning. Bob was busy studdying and did not have time to worry about the shower. But I wanted my way. After convincing him I would not go on until he had tried to solve the problem he also became worried about this. The water was fixed yesterday and all is well.
Each night we do our own thing but want to be involved in what the other is doing too. We have to come home and tell each other about what happened and we are both interested in what the other was doing. Suprisingly if you put two babies together it can work out!
So when I was getting my coffee this morning I pulled out $2.00. It ended up being $2.03 so I was digging through my purse to find 3 cents. The manager kept saying no I got it don't worry about it. But I insisted on paying for my drink. He than said, does your boyfriend ever tell you how stubborn you are? And I said, Stubborn, you don't even know stubborn you should see my boyfriend.
So then I get on to my blog and my bossy boyfriend tries to tell me I'm wrong saying I spelled the Cliffs of Moher wrong, saying it is Mohr. So being stubborn I am leaving it and maybe someone who has never been there should just keep their trap shut. Moher is the Irish way of spelling it. Moher, Mohr, or Mohair are all ways of spelling the best place ever!
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