Sunday, June 29, 2008
Straight line winds

Friday, June 27, 2008
Twinkie Lucky Charm

Maybe it isn't Bob, maybe it is the Twins getting their act together and playing some good ole' baseball.
I obviously have cared about the Twins since I was little and I just liked the team my family liked. Now I love the team b/c they are not the top dogs, ever. They never have a loaded roster like the Yankees. They are just a good team that has some great farm systems that bring up little guys that play hard. It is the no names that I love. Like my boys Redmond and Punto. These guys play like they are having fun. If everyone got to play a game for their job I would hope they were doing it for fun. These guys don't get paid like A-Rod & Jeeter. They do not have fan bases like Ichiro and Matsui. They just play for the team that has fun. They have loyalty and that is what like. I miss my Twins. I miss seeing them play at the Dome, but I am really looking forward to our trip to see them play on the road.
Keep having fun, keep playing hard and heck, keep winning Twins!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Happy Birthday Jamie Benson
Happy Birthday Jamie.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Busy but fun week
Friday morning we got up early so we could get tickets for the College World Series Game that night, but b/c we went to bed early we didn't find out that the game was in a rain delay. So after I woke up and showered I had the whole day ahead of me, and didn't get to sleep in! We did some shopping around for tvs and noticed that we must have looked like we were not going to buy b/c nobody would help us. I had decided that it must have been the Twins shirt I was wearing, not a Huskers shirt! We went to India Jones on Friday night-and all I can say about that is that it was just ok.
Saturday we tried again for the tickets. Woke up, drove to the stadium and stood in line for 2 hours. We were able to get tickets with Bob's friends so we knew it would be fun to hang with them. After getting the tickets we drove over to Best Buy to make the largest purchase we have ever made together. The new love of my life, our TV! We went all out on this one and are stimulating the economy + some! We thought if we were going to spend the money we might as well get everything else that goes with it. So now we watch anything in HD. Lots of sports and I think Bob is glad he doesn't have to turn it off right now to go study. After turning the tv off for the first time we headed to the CWS game. Both Bob and I were a little bored. It seemed to be much slower than a Major League game and we had not investments in the teams or players.
Sunday was spent cleaning up the house and watching some more tv! I even woke up early so I could have some alone time with the Samsung. We had friends over that afternoon evening. We grilled and everyone brought over food. We played some games outside and even got to play catch phrase, my fav!
I'm really lucky that Bob has found a good group of friends from school that all have great wives or a girlfriend. It is nice having Nick and Alena close enough to us and I am looking forward for Chris and Angela and Jamie and Ryan to move even closer. I'm sure in the next three years we will need each other to be a support while the boys are busy studying, taking the boards and going on rounds.
Well hopefully today's work will be uneventful as yesterday they sprung some things on us that were completely unprofessional. Wish me luck in finding a new job soon. After the baseball trip it is going to be the only thing on my mind.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Safe at home
Bob's parents came over around 9:00 to look at Bob's car and to get ready to go to the airport. Bob's dad has decided to have the car towed back to his house so he can replace the engine as he thinks that is the problem. They drove down two vehicles and left one for Bob to use. So now we have 3 cars at our house, I'm glad Bob knows nothing about cars as he could turn into his dad and just have lots of cars sitting around.
Anyway we went to the airport and got there probably about 10 minutes before they got in. I was talking to the group leaders boyfriend and all of a sudden I saw Bob coming down the hall. I couldn't control myself and just ran and jumped on him. His parents missed him coming in as they even had brought the video camera. The bags were there by the time we made it downstairs and we were out of the airport quickly.
We came back to our house so Bob could take a real shower and get out of clothes that he had been wearing for a month. We went out for pizza and back home to do laundry and unpack. Bob did such a good job with presents! Not that he needed to bring me anything but he went all out. He brought me lots of Bangles, a green Sarlwal which is beautiful, a pink top, 3 pashminas, and some chocolates from Duty Free. He also got himself a Kurta. (Don't kill me b/c I can't spell Indian words okay!) It was funny about his story of buying that and the pants are absolutely huge!
We went out for Thai food last night with his parents and then came back to watch the Twins game and look at his pictures. I am a little disappointed with his pictures. I hope people from his group will have some too. But the pics he did have were great. And interesting.
It is so nice to have him home. The month went by fast but it felt like he was gone for 10 years.
I'm working today and tomorrow and then will have Friday-Sunday to spend with him. I honestly do not plan on leaving his side, I hope he doesn't mind.
Oh and by the way, the post I did about his trip and what happened was completely wrong. He can tell the story better, especially the part about having rocks thrown at them and a police escort to the airport. The good news is that Bob would like to go back to India, so he isn't scarred for life, although his father sure doesn't want him to go back.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day Dad

Thursday, June 12, 2008
Just come home stress
Monday the group had missed their train to Darjeeling so they were arranged to take a bus. There were protests going on in Darjeeling and they decided it was not safe for tourist (we have learned that they mean Indian travelers, not American tourists) so they arranged to have a tour guide who booked them a hotel in Sigurli-I have no idea if that is the name of it really, but go with me here! They were also arranged a driver because there was a transit strike meaning no buses or taxis. They were assured that an airplane or train ride would not be affected. There was some talk from the group that they were going to take a trip to Nepal and I am glad they didn't as that seemed like it was going to cause even more problems. Well we woke up this morning to find out that there were riots going on in the area they were staying so they were sent to Darjeeling as there is a better chance for them to leave from there. We were told this morning that the group has decided to leave Darjeeling and head to Delhi. They will be having a military escort so that they do not run into any issues. To me putting 7 white people in the middle of some military dudes is going to cause issues, but I'm not the decision maker in the trip-so I'll just go with it. We do not know what they will be doing from when the arrive in Delhi to when they leave. The group was originally supposed to travel from Darjeeling to Calcutta by train, then fly from Calcutta to Delhi, Delhi to Chicago, and Chicago to Omaha. So now they will just take out that trip to Calcutta and have a few days there. I guess they were trying to get an earlier flight out of Delhi but everything is booked. I believe they will try when they arrive too. So it is Friday there right now and they will be in Delhi from Friday afternoon to Monday evening. Delhi is a huge city so I would hope they are able to go enjoy themselves as this last leg of the trip was supposed to be their vacation.
I really don't care, I miss Bob so much. The time has gone by faster than I thought it would have but I am ready, really ready for him to be home. Bob's just going to hang out around Omaha for the rest of the summer, we have things planned but I really am going to hate leaving him every day to go to work. Oh well!
I hope they get home safely. I will be so mad if something happens and they can't get home.
Be safe kid.
Night of the Twisters
Last night I returned home after picking up dinner around 6:30. I hoped in the shower as I had been sweating profusely and all of a sudden I heard something. I turned the water off and sure enough it was the tornado sirens. I wrapped a towel around me grabbed some shorts and ran to the basement in a hurry. Yes I was naked. Then my thoughts were if I am going to die I really don't want to be found with some short shorts on and that is it. So I ran back upstairs to grab clothes, the flashlight, a blanket, chair, and turned my tv on really loud so I heard what they were saying from the basement. Then I got smart and brought my computer downstairs and watched the live feed on that. The sirens were done and I waited patiently for the next round. Angela drove quickly from Council Bluffs over to my place and got here just in time for more sirens. We spent plenty of time sitting in my basement holding each other as we were both scared. She was getting really concerned about having a mattress to cover ourselves up with, but I refused to haul a mattress down to my dirty basement. I told her sleeping bags and down comforters were going to have to save our lives if we needed it. We decided to go upstairs as they were saying that things had past our area of Omaha but there were still plenty of storms around us. She slept on the couch and I slept on the futon last night and we didn't get very much sleep. I know that sleeping compared to what happened last night was very trivial.
I do feel really bad for all of the scouts at the Little Sioux Scout Camp. We kept hearing the news of all of these Omaha scouts that were there. I feel very thankful that I am safe and sound.
Angela's boyfriend gets home today. So I don't think I will hear from her tonight, even if there are storms. We were talking about how her boyfriend and Bob are going to get an earful when they get home about the stress of these storms.
I feel like I have so much to do before Bob gets home, my parents are coming this weekend, and I have to work on Saturday morning. I also want to work a really long day on Monday so I don't have to work so much when Bob gets back. We will see how that goes I guess.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Happy Birthday Mom and Ashley
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Fun weekend in my old stomping grounds
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Bad day, followed by long night.
My boss was talking to us and my phone rang, I looked at the number and said I have to take this and I walked out. I'm glad I did as it was Bob. I hadn't talked to him since May 23 and it was so strange to hear his voice. I pretty much cried the whole time we were talking and I barely remember a thing about what was said. I know he is okay and that is all that matters. I can't wait till he gets home.
I think my boss could tell I was pissed the whole day, she also said somethings that just irritated me. So she said, well there are a bunch of things you could do from home. Why don't you just work from home today. So here I am! 9 hours of working from home. Which is a good thing as last night there was bad weather in the area again. I am sick of the tornadoes every night and not coming until midnight? Well last night Angela came over for the lightning show and spent the night. She left this morning and will plan to come over again tonight b/c they are predicting severe weather again-booo.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Happy Anniversary Pat & Ashley
It's been a busy week.
Tuesday, my life flashed before my eyes as I went with my friend Angela to look at a new duplex for her and her boyfriend in Omaha. We went to Starbucks and at the busiest intersection of our city she decided to run a red left turn arrow. It was a close call, a little scary though.
Wednesday was a vegg out night of laundry and trying to pick up the house. And watching the news as Omaha had a hydrochloric acid spill and they were evacuating as a plume of the acid was heading west-it was great.
Thursday we had bad storm and Angela came over for dinner and to watch the storm coverage. Also to make sure if we needed to go to the basement we could. I ended up not getting any sleep that night b/c the storms did not hit until late and I was worried about her as she had not been through severe thunderstorms and tornado warnings before.
Friday I was so tired I was having a hard time making it through a 7 hour work day. I came home and slept even though it was gorgeous outside.
Saturday morning I met Angela at the Farmer's Market in the Old Market. There were so many people there b/c it was so nice out. We had a good time looking at the stands and picking up some fresh veggies, flowers, and even a pie. We had lunch in Council Bluffs and then went to Sex & the City the movie. It was great. I loved it, I probably want to see it again! I cried 3 different times.
Saturday evening I drove up to Sibley to meet up with my parents and the Mayor of Sibley to have dinner and drinks.
Sunday morning the fam got up early and headed to Minneapolis (oh how I miss it there) for the Twins game. We dropped mom off at Ridgedale and then to the Dome. We saw a great game against the Yankees. Even better-Joe Mauer wasn't playing so Redmond was in and he did well. Nick Blackburn was pitching well until he got a line drive to the face. He dropped to the ground and we saw blood shoot out of his face. He got up right away and went off the field while the rest of the team was looking around the mound for what we thought were teeth-he ended up being okay no broken teeth or not even a broken nose-lucky. We also got to see the Yankees make a huge error in the outfield. Melky Cabrerra tripped and threw the ball over his head into right field instead of towards the infield. Justin Morneau was standing up at home before the ball even made it into the infield. Ha Yankees, Twins won 5-1.
I rode back to Sibley with my mom and dad and we got there around 7:30. I was back in Omaha by 10:00 last night, but I'm tired I had a full weekend for sure but it helps the time go by faster.
On Saturday after coming home from the movie there flowers on my front doorstep from Bob. What a sweetie. That was so nice of him. Tulips even.
He is doing okay. I haven't heard his voice since Friday, May 23rd. But he seems to be doing better than the emails from earlier this week. So that is good to hear.