Ok, so I am not making a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner, but I did make turkey cookies! I am a little proud of these guys so I thought I would share them with you-a picture that is not the actual cookies. I will be bringing these up to Minnesota on Wednesday for the festivities at Bob's family's on Thursday. A few broken turkeys did make it into the bellies of Bob and Ashley this weekend and boy were they good.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Making Turkey
Ok, so I am not making a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner, but I did make turkey cookies! I am a little proud of these guys so I thought I would share them with you-a picture that is not the actual cookies. I will be bringing these up to Minnesota on Wednesday for the festivities at Bob's family's on Thursday. A few broken turkeys did make it into the bellies of Bob and Ashley this weekend and boy were they good.
What a bunch of Mavericks
Monday, November 17, 2008
Fun weekend with the Bob
On Friday afternoon Bob and I began our quest on the Wii Fit starting our fitness regime. After both work outs and realizing we need to get in shape we headed out for some Little King Subs-a great sandwich, (way better than Subway, but I still love Jimmy Johns) we headed to to the new James Bond movie. We enjoyed some popcorn and the movie was not awful but it was not a good Bond film. We came home to play some more Wii and watch TV.
Saturday Bob got to do something he loves but does not get to very much and that is sleep in. I woke up went to water aerobics and came back to find that Bob had just woken up. What a sleepy head. He did study a little that afternoon but then accompanied me to the grocery store, something I dread doing these days. Saturday night was filled with making some gingerbread cookies, playing Wii and Wii Fit and watching the Wizard of Oz as it was on TBS this weekend.
Sunday we also slept in and then we went to a bar to watch the Vikings loose. It was sad. And now being 5-5 and tied for 1st in the NFC North is quite the embarrassment. Hopefully we can knock down Jacksonville this weekend and Chicago on Sunday night football.
Any way I am just way lucky to have been able to spend the whole weekend with Bob. I didn't realize how much I missed those weekends like we used to have before school started. Oh I really do cherish our time together. Guess it is a good thing I am going to spend the rest of my life with him huh?
Friday, November 14, 2008
We Wii

Yes! Last night when I got home Bob said that Best Buy had a bunch of Wiis in stock he rationed with me that if we both spent money on it for Christmas and other holidays we could get it for each other. So we put off making breakfast for dinner and headed out to Best Buy. We had also decided we were going to get Wii Fit as I have wanted it for a while and both of us need to get in better shape. We picked up our Wii but Best Buy did not have the Wii Fit in stock so we headed up to Target, Nebraska Furniture Mart, & Gamers and they were all out. We drove up to Game Stop and Bob ran in b/c there was not much parking and sure enough Game Stop had like 20 Wii Fits so Bob bought it and we came home had dinner and then both were excited to get started making our Wii characters and playing. This is not going to be good for Bob's studying but I guess if he is taking a break it is better he is up swinging his arms than sitting on the couch.
We also set up our Wii Fit and both set fitness plans up for ourselves. However the Wii Fit pissed me off b/c it told me that Bob was in better shape than I was-hello does he wake up every morning to go to the gym? Does he watch what he eats? They totally did not take into consideration your real BMI, just height weight and age, not muscle or gender. Oh well I will kick that Wii Fit's butt.
Bob and I will also have to ask for some Wii accessories and more games for Christmas like Mario cart with the wheel and I saw this microphone game that is Karaoke. Totally me. We do not have any plans to get Rock Band yet as it is a little spendy but someday.
So come on over and play Wii with us. Bob and I even made our child Cyrus and I made a Safe Haven kid and our President Elect so we need more characters.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
What I did today.
1. Blogged
2. Played Spider on my computer, all three levels and winning at each.
3. Looked for jobs on-line
4. Shopped for shoes
5. Decided what I will be having at the Cheesecake Factory tonight for Angela’s birthday.
6. Became annoyed by co-workers because they did not understand something it must not be right.
7. Figured out exactly how many hours I would need to work for the rest of the week planning out which days I can come in early and leave later.
8. Stared at my computer screen when someone walked by to look like I was working.
9. Accomplished small errands over lunch.
10. Booked blood drives, scheduled donors, ordered publicity materials, contacted coordinators.
Yes I did do some work today, although all of it was done within a good 45 minutes. My boss and co-worker were out all day and my bottom hurts from sitting.
Although I complain about my job I am lucky I have it so easy and that I am getting paid. I know there are so many unemployed fully capable people in the world that would love to have even my 45 minutes of work. I pray that everyone is able to find a challenging position in life doing something they enjoy at least a little bit.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Happy Birthday Angela
Just wanted to wish Angela Carey a very Happy Birthday. I look forward to celebrating with the gang on Tuesday (after the tests of Med School) at the Cheesecake Factory.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Oh Baby
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
This weekend's fun
Of course I can't forget little Macy. She is such a cute and good little baby. Every time she was fussy and my mom was holding her I was able to take her and calm her down. And that did not make Lois too happy! It must be the fact that her mom and I are so much alike. Here is a picture of myself with Macy and Merrick.
Happy Be-lated Birthday Merrick
Merrick Elizabeth Mae turned 4 years old on November 1st. Last year she had 3 pinkalicious birthday parties in Kansas City, this year she as able to enjoy a birthday party at a brand new hotel in Minneapolis where she was adored and everyone in the hotel knew she was the birthday girl.
Merrick enjoyed playing with her 2nd cousin Isaac who just moved to Minnesota and will turn 4 on Friday. She also was able to play in the hotel, open presents, swim, and play with her new toys (Lots of Barbie stuff)
Happy Birthday Merrick, I love you and you are so sweet.
Here is a picture of Merrick blowing out her candles-only one boyfriend!
Congratulations Mesa and Tony
Then Friday evening I received the best call I think I could get... Mesa and Tony are getting married! Tony proposed to Mesa on Friday evening ringing the doorbell like a trick or treater except it was Mesa's treat as he had flowers and a gorgeous ring for her. I am so happy for them. Mesa was saying now we can gush all over this wedding stuff together, at least I have an Allie when to go to now and not talk about wedding stuff because I think both of us are on the same page that we do not want all the hoopla of it.
I do think that is so awesome that Mesa, Tony, Bob and I are all engaged to get married when we are all such good friends and will be for many years. This is a really awesome time for you guys. Congratulations!