So this was a few weeks ago but I wanted to share my funny fall. I was at the gym one morning running on a treadmill. There were only about 3 other people at the gym at this time. I was getting a good stride but needed to adjust my ipod on my arm. I was paying attention to my ipod when I accidentally stepped off to the side of the treadmill. Not really thinking I stepped back on, only to completely lose my balance, fall and slide off the back of treadmill on my hands and knees. I got up, looked around and the people in the gym asked if I was okay. I was super embarrassed and a little concerned that I had ripped my pants. I made sure I was okay, stopped the treadmill and got back on to finish the work out. My knee really hurt and by the time I got home that night I had a heck of bruise on my knee along with a little rug burn. I am all healed up now. Bob and I were watching Mythbusters one night when we saw this. This looks exactly like my fall. He did the same thing, granite he was drunk and I totally was not. Enjoy some humor on me.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Ashes to Ashes on Ash Wednesday
Well as my sister knows this is probably one of my least favorite days. Bob can just laugh at me but today is one of two days of Catholic Fasting. The Muslims are rolling around laughing at me right now because they fast so much better. Catholics are allowed to eat small meals, but not allowed to snack, we can drink fluids throughout the day, and on a normal day, I can totally do that. But it just seems like Ash Wednesday and Good Friday my body says no, we will see what today brings as it was an early morning, I'm working 10 hours and then on to church. Here comes irritable Ashley!
Ash Wednesday is also the beginning of Lent, and for 40 days we are asked to do something for God. For some that is pray more and for others it is giving something up. My dad gives up Jell-o every year, b/c he hates it so much. I think for Easter I will make him some Jell-o eggs and tell him he has to eat them b/c Lent is over. This year I am declaring my sacrifice on my blog, so I stick with it. I'm giving up games on my computer, yes that means Spider Solitaire as well as Web Sudoku both at home and at work. Wish me luck and hopefully JC appreciates my sacrifice as much as I appreciated his, granite his was a little bigger.
Ash Wednesday is also the beginning of Lent, and for 40 days we are asked to do something for God. For some that is pray more and for others it is giving something up. My dad gives up Jell-o every year, b/c he hates it so much. I think for Easter I will make him some Jell-o eggs and tell him he has to eat them b/c Lent is over. This year I am declaring my sacrifice on my blog, so I stick with it. I'm giving up games on my computer, yes that means Spider Solitaire as well as Web Sudoku both at home and at work. Wish me luck and hopefully JC appreciates my sacrifice as much as I appreciated his, granite his was a little bigger.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Passing the test
Bob finished up one course that he is very happy to be done with, Endo/Repro! He passed the test on Friday so that meant he had a practically free weekend. We were both very excited for that to come. Although Bob did not have a class to study for he was able to get in a few hours or studying for that wonderful test in June. As you can see, a little over 3 months and we are under the 100 day mark as well. Don't worry baby, I know you can do it.
On Friday afternoon Bob and I also found out we "passed" another "test". We met with Marcia, the Med School Chaplain, who is working with us on Catholic Marriage Prep. We both are very excited we are doing this with her, instead of a priest or someone who has no idea what the medical profession is like. We sat down with her and talked a little about wedding planning, but more about marriage planning-what I am really into. One thing that stood out to me is that the national average of divorce rate is 50%, the physician divorce rate is 60%. Bob and I are going into this saying we are going to be in that 40%, and I think talking about it is the first step, huh? We then started going over our FOCUS inventory test that we took the day after Christmas in St. Paul. The results were sent to Marcia where we will meet with her a few times and go over some of the issues that we did not agree on, or that we did not pick the preferred answer of the church. Marcia said we did pretty well. In the different categories we ranged from 100%, 91% and some 80%. We did receive a 50% in the religion category-like no duh we knew that was going to happen. We went through this category in depth with Marcia. Like I said we were both so glad she wasn't a priest, because it was easier to talk about Bob and my differences in views and be able to say what we wanted without feeling like we were going against the churches teachings. We both know this is going to be a learning experience for both of us as it already has, but we will continue to grow together. I look forward to our next time we meet with Marcia.
On Friday afternoon Bob and I also found out we "passed" another "test". We met with Marcia, the Med School Chaplain, who is working with us on Catholic Marriage Prep. We both are very excited we are doing this with her, instead of a priest or someone who has no idea what the medical profession is like. We sat down with her and talked a little about wedding planning, but more about marriage planning-what I am really into. One thing that stood out to me is that the national average of divorce rate is 50%, the physician divorce rate is 60%. Bob and I are going into this saying we are going to be in that 40%, and I think talking about it is the first step, huh? We then started going over our FOCUS inventory test that we took the day after Christmas in St. Paul. The results were sent to Marcia where we will meet with her a few times and go over some of the issues that we did not agree on, or that we did not pick the preferred answer of the church. Marcia said we did pretty well. In the different categories we ranged from 100%, 91% and some 80%. We did receive a 50% in the religion category-like no duh we knew that was going to happen. We went through this category in depth with Marcia. Like I said we were both so glad she wasn't a priest, because it was easier to talk about Bob and my differences in views and be able to say what we wanted without feeling like we were going against the churches teachings. We both know this is going to be a learning experience for both of us as it already has, but we will continue to grow together. I look forward to our next time we meet with Marcia.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Valentine’s Day spent with the family.
So it definitely was not the weekend I had planned, but it was nice to see the family. Friday of course we had a major snow storm which piled up the snow very quickly. I ended up getting some good cleaning in before Bob came home early from school as the University closed early and before Pat and Ashley came over. Luckily they were able to leave plenty early to get miss most of the snow storm on I-80. They were able to go the theater/film they had tickets for and they said they had a blast.
Saturday consisted of a light work out at the gym with my bro & sis-in-law and then lunch with my mom and dad and them. We traveled around Omaha for my mother to go to Michaels and the NE Furniture mart and then back to our house for a Valentine’s dinner. Our house is small and our kitchen is even smaller. There is about a 2x2 area of workspace, and I get so annoyed when I am trying to make dinner and other people are in my area. Well Saturday night became even worse b/c there were about 5 people trying to make dinner and I was the one in the other room cringing at the fact that I had absolutely no control of what was going on in my kitchen. I did make a fuss when I smelled something burning and it started to get smokey. Ahhh. The food was decent and after dinner my mom decided to wash all of the dishes by hand even though the dishwasher was completely empty (she forgot I had one). We ended up playing Catch Phrase and that always produces some good laughs and great stories. I think my mom is the worse Catch Phrase player ever. Her clues were not very good and she pointed for everything. She also would forget to pass the catch phrase b/c she was celebrating too much.
Sundays are always the same at my house although just cleaning up from the family was a full time job on top of my normal Sunday duties. I was able to catch the end of one of my old favorite movies Troop Beverly Hills. Bob came home just in time and was shocked that I could quote it and that some of my favorite movies quotes come from there, such as, “Patches, we don’t need no stinkin’ patches.”
All in all V-day has come and gone and check this out-I didn’t even have a piece a chocolate!
Saturday consisted of a light work out at the gym with my bro & sis-in-law and then lunch with my mom and dad and them. We traveled around Omaha for my mother to go to Michaels and the NE Furniture mart and then back to our house for a Valentine’s dinner. Our house is small and our kitchen is even smaller. There is about a 2x2 area of workspace, and I get so annoyed when I am trying to make dinner and other people are in my area. Well Saturday night became even worse b/c there were about 5 people trying to make dinner and I was the one in the other room cringing at the fact that I had absolutely no control of what was going on in my kitchen. I did make a fuss when I smelled something burning and it started to get smokey. Ahhh. The food was decent and after dinner my mom decided to wash all of the dishes by hand even though the dishwasher was completely empty (she forgot I had one). We ended up playing Catch Phrase and that always produces some good laughs and great stories. I think my mom is the worse Catch Phrase player ever. Her clues were not very good and she pointed for everything. She also would forget to pass the catch phrase b/c she was celebrating too much.
Sundays are always the same at my house although just cleaning up from the family was a full time job on top of my normal Sunday duties. I was able to catch the end of one of my old favorite movies Troop Beverly Hills. Bob came home just in time and was shocked that I could quote it and that some of my favorite movies quotes come from there, such as, “Patches, we don’t need no stinkin’ patches.”
All in all V-day has come and gone and check this out-I didn’t even have a piece a chocolate!

Monday, February 9, 2009
Relaxing same old thing
Well I couldn’t miss out on the abnormally warm weather we had this weekend. It was so nice to walk outside on Friday and Saturday. You know I love the cold weather, but I’m not going to complain when we get in the 60s as that is jeans and sweatshirt weather which I love. Most of the weekend was spent running errands and making some good food for my love, Bob. I was able to snag some Wii time with Jamie who came over to try out the Wii Fit. Bob and I joined Megan and Jason (Med School friends) to go to the UNO hockey game. UNO was horrible and lost 5-0, but the game was also dedicated to Brain Cancer. They had a lighting ceremony before the game where everyone had a pen flashlight. First they had Brain Cancer patients shine their light, then those affected by Brain Cancer, then anyone who has had cancer, and then anyone affected by cancer and all of the lights were showing in the Qwest Center. And all of a sudden the flood gates open, Bob turned to me and I was bawling, those things just get to me. Anyway if they raised $30,000 by the end of the game the entire UNO hockey team and their coaches were going to shave their heads. So after the game we stayed to watch all their heads get shaved. Brain Cancer is more common than you think so I’m glad they had that awareness and raised money for it on Saturday night.
My Sunday was a normal one, but with no sports to watch. It ended up being pretty busy as I really wanted to make a nice dinner for Bob. We had barbecued chicken with garlic mashed potatoes and corn. It was so tasty. We watched the Grammy’s last night, which both of us have not done in years. Some of the performances were fun, some not so much, and some people who won I had not heard of. Oh well. Hope all of you had a good weekend and a great upcoming week.
I’m looking forward to the end of this week when my brother and sister-in-law are coming to visit. I haven’t seen them in a long time, so I am excited to hang out with them and to enjoy a little bit of time with Bob when he isn’t studying for Endo/Repro or the boards. Bob found out that he will take the big exam on June 2nd. We are definitely excited for that to be over but we both know that there is a long bumpy road from here to there. Keep at it Bob.
My Sunday was a normal one, but with no sports to watch. It ended up being pretty busy as I really wanted to make a nice dinner for Bob. We had barbecued chicken with garlic mashed potatoes and corn. It was so tasty. We watched the Grammy’s last night, which both of us have not done in years. Some of the performances were fun, some not so much, and some people who won I had not heard of. Oh well. Hope all of you had a good weekend and a great upcoming week.
I’m looking forward to the end of this week when my brother and sister-in-law are coming to visit. I haven’t seen them in a long time, so I am excited to hang out with them and to enjoy a little bit of time with Bob when he isn’t studying for Endo/Repro or the boards. Bob found out that he will take the big exam on June 2nd. We are definitely excited for that to be over but we both know that there is a long bumpy road from here to there. Keep at it Bob.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Thank you for all the Birthday wishes
Well I know that my Birthday was on Monday but the celebrations continued to keep going. Thank you everyone that helped me celebrate my birthday in so many special ways. Here is a little recap. Hopefully I won't leave anything out.
Saturday my mom drove up from Kansas City and my dad drove down from Sibley to take Bob and I out for lunch. We ate at the Upstream and we all had some really great food. It was fun to have them meet here in Omaha and to hang out for a bit. After lunch we came back to our place to open presents, which I was spoiled as my mom did a green theme where everything was the color green. But the best part of the whole day was that my mom and sis made me an Angel Food Cake. It was delicious!
Sunday was spent cleaning and organizing as we had Nick & Alena, Chris & Angela, & Jamie & Ryan over for the Superbowl. The game was great but everyone brought awesome food that I ate way too much of. It was fun to spend my "Persian Birthday" with those friends.
Monday-The Groundhog saw his shadow-but at work I had a cloud over my head. The stress of last week's drama from work lurked into my birthday. We had to cancel my birthday lunch with co-workers to hold an emergency conference call where people were yelling and swearing at each other. I vowed to not let it get to me as it was my special day. That evening Bob made some great dinner, and it was spent chatting on the phone and chillin out.
Tuesday-my co-workers insisted on taking me out to lunch. I was anything but excited for this but it was fine.
Wednesday-after more work drama which included me throwing away 160 copies of something to reprint them at Kinkos. I was able to get home early enough as Bob and I planned to go out to eat, to celebrate me being 25! We went to a wonderful Indian restaurant. I enjoyed some vegetable curry while Bob had the Lamb Saag. We couldn't get over how good the food was and we were happy we had dinner there.
Thursday evening I finished the last piece of Angel Food cake and said goodbye to my birthday. I am still able to enjoy all the wonderful presents, cards, & flowers through out the year so thank you very much all of you for making my day so great.
Saturday my mom drove up from Kansas City and my dad drove down from Sibley to take Bob and I out for lunch. We ate at the Upstream and we all had some really great food. It was fun to have them meet here in Omaha and to hang out for a bit. After lunch we came back to our place to open presents, which I was spoiled as my mom did a green theme where everything was the color green. But the best part of the whole day was that my mom and sis made me an Angel Food Cake. It was delicious!
Sunday was spent cleaning and organizing as we had Nick & Alena, Chris & Angela, & Jamie & Ryan over for the Superbowl. The game was great but everyone brought awesome food that I ate way too much of. It was fun to spend my "Persian Birthday" with those friends.
Monday-The Groundhog saw his shadow-but at work I had a cloud over my head. The stress of last week's drama from work lurked into my birthday. We had to cancel my birthday lunch with co-workers to hold an emergency conference call where people were yelling and swearing at each other. I vowed to not let it get to me as it was my special day. That evening Bob made some great dinner, and it was spent chatting on the phone and chillin out.
Tuesday-my co-workers insisted on taking me out to lunch. I was anything but excited for this but it was fine.
Wednesday-after more work drama which included me throwing away 160 copies of something to reprint them at Kinkos. I was able to get home early enough as Bob and I planned to go out to eat, to celebrate me being 25! We went to a wonderful Indian restaurant. I enjoyed some vegetable curry while Bob had the Lamb Saag. We couldn't get over how good the food was and we were happy we had dinner there.
Thursday evening I finished the last piece of Angel Food cake and said goodbye to my birthday. I am still able to enjoy all the wonderful presents, cards, & flowers through out the year so thank you very much all of you for making my day so great.
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