Friday, August 22, 2008

God Hates Nebraska?

So I haven't blogged in a while, well not that long I guess, but I realized I have nothing really new or exciting to report. I never really have all that much to report, but I guess it has been a pretty exciting two weeks for me.

I am just ending up my last 20 minutes of work for the week and of course am bored out of my mind. It really amazes me how much time they allow for us to do something very quick. I don't think they have the Internet figured out.

I was told today that summer is over b/c football starts next week. Then I was reminded about Nebraska Football (ewww). I heard this really funny thing on the radio on my way to work this morning and thought I would share it with you. It is on You Tube, just a warning that it is very obscene. I don't agree with this man and how he feels about homosexuals, but if you can take a joke and you hate Nebraska. You will like this.

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