I know I know I complain about work all the time. At least you don't live with me. Ask Bob how I am when I get home from Loony Land Lincoln. I really just need to tell you about the happenings this week.
Where I work just celebrated their 40th Anniversary so they had a series of events, an employee dinner, a donor event, and a blood drive coordinator appreciation breakfast. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. It was all back to back because they had a speaker come from Boulder, CO to talk. I have included her link because she is amazing! http://www.americasblood.org/go.cfm?do=Page.View&pid=109
So Monday evening I was forced without pay to attend a social hour at 6:30 and dinner/program at 7:00. (Mind you I was working at 7:00 that morning) We were invited to bring guests but there was no way I was going to put Bob through that or make him drive an hour to come to Lincoln. It started off fine, the MC was a radio DJ who I have worked with before, then the speaker who really makes me look at what I do and believe that the blood banking industry does have some good to it. (oh the food was horrible though) Then a woman gets on stage with a mic and music stand and starts talking about songs from 1968 (the year the blood bank started). Then she started singing, her first track was Do you know the way to San Jose and she asked everyone to join in during that la la la la parts. Next she walked around and put her head on people's shoulders to, you guessed it, Put your head on my shoulder. At that point I didn't know whether I was dreaming this, what this had to do with blood banking, or why I was there in the first place so I grabbed my phone to record a little of what was happening. Next she decided to throw some history in about a Cross Over hit from Country music. She sang the song the Harper Valley PTA. This was just bad karaoke and I was completely annoyed. It was already 8:45 at this point and I was told that it would be over with by 8:30. Then she pulls out lyrics sheets and passed them around to everyone to join in and sing Hey Jude. She passed around the microphone and even a tambourine -no lie. Lastly she said, can I sing just one more, she started and was off key so she stopped and wanted to start the music over again, she stopped again in the middle of the song. Then they couldn't get the cd to work so we waited for 5 minutes to have them fix it so she could sing a song about having friends. I have no friends at the blood bank and this lady had pissed me off so much that I wouldn't consider being her friend. Then the program was not even over. We had to go through all of these awards and they were not even nice about it. They awarded a woman who has worked at the blood bank since the day they opened and still works here every day and they didn't even thank her. By the end of the night I wanted to shoot myself or at least the smoke alarm so I could leave. I didn't get home until 10:45 that night and I was so pissed.
Needless to say I skipped the event on Tuesday and it has not been brought up that I wasn't there.
Wednesday mornings breakfast continued with bad food (ice cold french toast sticks) and once again they didn't even thank the people for coming.
These people are nuts. And I didn't even go into details if you were there you would have been appalled too. Congrats on the 40 years, great speaker, crappy events.
1 comment:
Ugh! AWFUL! I'm so sorry! What I wanna know is, why the heck did you agree to go to this crappy karyoke event when you weren't even getting paid for it??? They can't MAKE you go to something like that, can they? That is completely ridiculous! It makes me mad just thinking about it! I'd also like to know why this experience didn't make you want to become a teacher even more. Hopefully we'll be able to go to the pumpkin patch this weekend and you can tell me this "ego" issue you mentioned... :) I hope the rest of your week goes better. It's almost the weekend!!!
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