So what else have we been up to lately...
*We surprised Bob's dad for his 60th Birthday by flying up to Minneapolis for the weekend. We were able to spend the day with the Azars which was so much fun to see everyone, especially Addy and Liam. Were were able to attend my friend Ali's engagment party and head to our last Twins game at the Metrodome with Mesa and Tony. It was a packed weekend but lots of fun.
*My brothers and sister had their birthday week in August Happy Belated to Nate, Becky & Pat.
*Bob and I celebrated our Engageaversiary. We have been engaged for a year now!
*Bob finished his first round of rotations. He enjoyed internal medicine where he had lots of interesting interactions with patients, attendees, residents and other med students. He had his first shelf for medicine and started his surgery rotation. One week of surgery down and so far it is going well. He gets all excited to tell me about what happened in the hospital that day and I enjoy listening until I stop understanding what he is talking about. I'm sure there will be lots more stories to come but I am ready for them.
*We have spent some great time with friends heading to the Farmer's Market, Dundee Day, and lots of other good times. We are lucky that we have found some good friends here in Omaha.
*This Labor Day weekend we enjoyed heading to the Zoo to go on the new SkyFari attraction. The lines were crazy but it was fun as always. We also had a lovely picnic today at Heartland of America park. We are trying to enjoy the beautiful weather while we still can.
*We have had some ups and downs with our teams. The Twins seem to get our hopes up and then crush them hard. thanks for the rollercoaster of a season Twins. We have also had to accept the fact that a stupid old man has toyed with the Vikings and will be the quarterback this year. Oh it makes me cringe to see purple #4 jerseys.
I will try to be better at blogging now, as wedding plans are getting closer and more intense I may need a Bridezilla outlet.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
We Registered

One of the best things about getting married is getting to register. Bob and I recently took two Saturdays to register for all of our wants and needs. It was so fun to go through all of the stores and pick out new kitchen utensils, baking and cooking needs, bedding, bath needs, home decorations and fun "toys". It is hard for us because the plan is to keep most things until we move to Bob's place as a resident. We have no idea what kind of house/apartment we will live in and what we will really need so we went with very neutral colors. We are now registered at Bed Bath & Beyond, Target, and Yonkers/Herbergers. Feel free to buy us presents off those lists at any time, not just our wedding, like if you feel like spending $100 on me for no reason, I will take a Waterford place setting, or new cookie sheets, or a lamp, etc. etc. No pressure though!
I got a job!
Okay so I realized that the last time I blogged I was still in good old unhappy times and wishing for a new place of employment. Well of our prayers payed off. I attended a job fair the first week of August where I spoke with One Source. Later that day I recieved a phone call from them to set up an interview the following Monday. The interview I thought went well, but I have had many interviews and then nothing. By the time I arrived home from the interview I had a job offer on my answering machine!! I waited for Bob to come home to discuss the situation, but it really was a no brainer and I accepted the position as Account Manager at One Source The Background Check Company.
That Tuesday morning I turned in my two weeks notice and was so happy! The Nebraska Community Blood Bank was not as happy as I was as I left them in a really tough spot but I needed to do what was best for me. The next week and half (I actually did not work the full two weeks) was very odd in Lincoln. Half the people were nice to me and happy I was moving on, the other half acted super rude and ignored me. Man I am not sad to be gone from there.
My co-workers did suprise me with a wedding shower gift off of my registry so I guess that was nice.
Anyway I love my new job, I love that it is only 5 miles away from home, I love that I have two hours back of my life, I love that I can wear jeans, and I love my new responsiblities. Things are good!
That Tuesday morning I turned in my two weeks notice and was so happy! The Nebraska Community Blood Bank was not as happy as I was as I left them in a really tough spot but I needed to do what was best for me. The next week and half (I actually did not work the full two weeks) was very odd in Lincoln. Half the people were nice to me and happy I was moving on, the other half acted super rude and ignored me. Man I am not sad to be gone from there.
My co-workers did suprise me with a wedding shower gift off of my registry so I guess that was nice.
Anyway I love my new job, I love that it is only 5 miles away from home, I love that I have two hours back of my life, I love that I can wear jeans, and I love my new responsiblities. Things are good!

Friday, July 24, 2009
Just keep looking, applying and praying
As most of you know I have been terribly unsatisfied with my place of employment. We have all hear the funny/annoying stories, but I continue to be unhappy and have decided to really beat the bushes for a new job. I have found a little prayer that I will now pray every day until new employment is found. I am hoping that each of you would send a little prayer for a new job my way in the next few months, I'll keep my fingers crossed and keep you all updated on any news.
God, our Father,
I turn to You seeking Your Divine help and guidance as I look for suitable employment.
I need Your wisdom to guide my footsteps along the right path, and to lead me to find the proper things to say and do in this quest.
I wish to use the gifts and talents You have given me, but I need the opportunity to do so with gainful employment.
Do not abandon me, dear Father, in this search, but rather grant me this favor I seek so that I may return to You with praise and thanksgiving for your gracious assistance.
Grant this through Christ, our Lord.
God, our Father,
I turn to You seeking Your Divine help and guidance as I look for suitable employment.
I need Your wisdom to guide my footsteps along the right path, and to lead me to find the proper things to say and do in this quest.
I wish to use the gifts and talents You have given me, but I need the opportunity to do so with gainful employment.
Do not abandon me, dear Father, in this search, but rather grant me this favor I seek so that I may return to You with praise and thanksgiving for your gracious assistance.
Grant this through Christ, our Lord.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Happy Birthday Macy Ella Jane
Today Ms. Macy Ella Jane turns one year old! How exciting to be a year, to have so many things behind you, like birth, first bottle, first solid food, first crawl, first tooth, first step, yet so many things ahead of you. Happy Birthday little Princess. You are loved very much. Enjoy your birthday cake!
So blogger has some problems b/c both Pat and I couldn't add a picture of this little gal. I hope to go visit soon and will update you all then what the little one year old looks like!-So cute, just like her big brother and sister.
So blogger has some problems b/c both Pat and I couldn't add a picture of this little gal. I hope to go visit soon and will update you all then what the little one year old looks like!-So cute, just like her big brother and sister.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Almost a month?
What happened? I fell behind on blogging again. So I guess I will do one of my re-cap my life blogs.
Bob and I spent time in the Twin Cities. We got to see our new nephew Liam and I fell absolutely in love with babies. Not ready for one but I really liked holding him. We did two wedding cake tastings-mmmm. Had an incredibly long but fun day taking pictures for our center pieces with Mesa and Tony, they made it worth while. We also caught a bad Twins game at the dome. Bob stayed in the cities a few more days but came home to continue his pampering of me!
Bob and I were also able to enjoy some time well needed together. After his studying all the time we really made a concious effort to spend the time we did have with each other. I think we both were used to away time that maybe we got on each other's nerves a bit but we did do some fun things. We saw the movie The Hangover-hillarious, went on some great walks, enjoyed the farmer's market and arts festival, watched the Twins win and lose, and even smoked a cigar or two. We also were able to be super excited about his awesome score on the boards. Bob did really well and I am so proud of him. Way to go!
My dad celebrated his birthday on July 1st. Love you Dad you are the best!
This past weekend started off with a work holiday on Friday so Bob and I volunteered to snag a tailgaiting spot at Rosenblatt, which turned into complete caos. Both Bob and I took turns complaining to the parking attendants that there needed to be more information about the whole situation. We later found a great spot but sat out in the rain until we were able to enjoy some fun tailgaiting with friends. We headed to the horrible Omaha Royals game but ran back to the car before it started to poor. When we got back my car's battery was dead from the festiviites of tailgating but got a jump and then watched the fireworks after the rain. We were able to catch the last 4 innings of the Twins 16 inning game on TV that night too. On the 4th it was so gloomy and almost chilly we spent most of the day inside but did manage to take a walk. We later grilled with our new neighbors Bill & Steve where we learned more about them and how they pretty much know everyone famous. We watched fireworks at our house as other neighbors were setting them off until all hours of the morning. Sunday was pretty chill as we were getting ready to head back to reality. Bob started at the VA today and I headed back to work after 12 weeks of bliss without a co-worker. I also started back to 40 hours a week. We will see how long it lasts I guess.
Bob and I spent time in the Twin Cities. We got to see our new nephew Liam and I fell absolutely in love with babies. Not ready for one but I really liked holding him. We did two wedding cake tastings-mmmm. Had an incredibly long but fun day taking pictures for our center pieces with Mesa and Tony, they made it worth while. We also caught a bad Twins game at the dome. Bob stayed in the cities a few more days but came home to continue his pampering of me!
Bob and I were also able to enjoy some time well needed together. After his studying all the time we really made a concious effort to spend the time we did have with each other. I think we both were used to away time that maybe we got on each other's nerves a bit but we did do some fun things. We saw the movie The Hangover-hillarious, went on some great walks, enjoyed the farmer's market and arts festival, watched the Twins win and lose, and even smoked a cigar or two. We also were able to be super excited about his awesome score on the boards. Bob did really well and I am so proud of him. Way to go!
My dad celebrated his birthday on July 1st. Love you Dad you are the best!
This past weekend started off with a work holiday on Friday so Bob and I volunteered to snag a tailgaiting spot at Rosenblatt, which turned into complete caos. Both Bob and I took turns complaining to the parking attendants that there needed to be more information about the whole situation. We later found a great spot but sat out in the rain until we were able to enjoy some fun tailgaiting with friends. We headed to the horrible Omaha Royals game but ran back to the car before it started to poor. When we got back my car's battery was dead from the festiviites of tailgating but got a jump and then watched the fireworks after the rain. We were able to catch the last 4 innings of the Twins 16 inning game on TV that night too. On the 4th it was so gloomy and almost chilly we spent most of the day inside but did manage to take a walk. We later grilled with our new neighbors Bill & Steve where we learned more about them and how they pretty much know everyone famous. We watched fireworks at our house as other neighbors were setting them off until all hours of the morning. Sunday was pretty chill as we were getting ready to head back to reality. Bob started at the VA today and I headed back to work after 12 weeks of bliss without a co-worker. I also started back to 40 hours a week. We will see how long it lasts I guess.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Our 2nd Baseball Trip
We just returned from the 2nd Fleming Family Baseball trip. This year we went to Chicago to see the Twins play 2 interleague games against the Cubs. It was quite a different trip than last years out east and quite quick but it was oh so much fun.
Thursday after work Bob and I headed over to Ames to so we could be ready to leave Friday morning. We were treated to a nice nights stay with Pat and Ashley and even got to be one of the few to see their new movie they just made. I loved it and I hope it does really well in the film festival in a few weeks.
Friday the original baseball gang met up at 5:00am. My dad, Tom, Cole, Pat, Ashley, Bob and I headed off to Chicago. With smooth sailing and little traffic we arrived at Wrigley field for the 1:20 game, with plenty of time to see the stadium outside and in. One of my goals of the trip was to have a real Chicago dog, well I had two different kinds, both were delicious and I absolutely love pickles, onions and tomatoes on my hot dogs, I was a true Chi-town person and did not add ketchup! The game was crazy awesome. Be sure to check out Milton Bradley’s huge mistake on YouTube . Twins won and there were lots of Twins fans there to celebrate. After making our way to the hotel we decided to get some real Chicago deep dish pizza. I can tell why people in the Midwest look the way they do with all this amazing food. After walking, getting lost and finding the place and the line we decided it would be better to order the pizza to the hotel. I needed food and I had a small hypoglycemic attack where I made a fool of myself but ended up being okay. We also realized that we were staying in a hotel just next to the MN Twins. We kept running into Twins players on the street. My brother and I also saw Loren Michaels walking down the street, it took a while to realize it was him and not Michael Bloomberg. Nice try Pat!
Saturday we headed over to Wrigley in the rain. We took the “L” over to the stadium which made me miss riding a subway and made me think of London-oh I miss big cities. The game ended up being delayed just a bit. It was so cold but thanks to my dad for thinking of me he purchased tickets under the overhang (so I wouldn’t get heat stroke) well it was too cold for that this year but our seats were nice and dry. Twins won in an exciting game. Whoooo!
Saturday evening my dad treated us all to a very nice dinner at the Capital Grill. We all enjoyed our food and some after dinner drinks, now Pat knows that when served a beverage in a sniffer, you don’t take it like a shot! We walked back to the hotel and Cole was able to get some Twins autographs. Pat, Ash, Bob & I decided to walking around Chicago a little more. We had just finished a drink in a bar (after Pat & Ashley chased down a random man they thought was Stephen King) we heard lots of cheering so we went down the street to see what was going on. All of a sudden we see over a 1000 people on bikes naked! It was a naked bike ride, yes nude! I snapped some pics, but I won’t put those up on the blog.
Sunday morning we took off early to head home from Chicago. I was sad to say goodbye as it was just a short trip. We headed home with no problems at all and it was so much different than last years long hours in the car. We met my mom, Becky, Merrick, & Macy for Lunch in Des Moines and then all went our separate ways.
I have to say I have the absolute best dad in the world. He is just the nicest guy and treats us all so well. Thank you dad for another amazing trip. You always outdo yourself and it is never necessary but very much appreciated.
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