Monday, December 8, 2008

Our Thanksgiving. A little late.


Well I said I was going to blog about my Thanksgiving, and now it looks like we are really a week over due huh? I guess in essence that means I was kept somewhat busy at work that I did not get a chance to blog. Don’t get your hopes up I was pretty bored but at inopportune times to blog so here is a recap of things that happened and things going on. I’m sorry if I forgot something or did not dwell on something that we did.

Wednesday, 11/26/08, Bob and I drove up to Minnesota in perfect weather. The whole time he was driving I was in charge of changing the music, but most of the drive was spent staring out the window looking for deer. I really wanted to see some deer galloping along the road nicely not getting hit by cars. Needless to say this did not happen. We arrived at Bob’s house and were greeted by his parents who are so great to be around and treat Bob like the true prince of the house. He really likes being treated that way I think. We went out to eat at The Caspian, a Persian restaurant that is closer to their house. We were joined by Sara, Aaron, & Addy for dinner. It is fun watching Addy pick and choose what she wants to eat and telling everyone no by shaking her head. It is so cute.

Thursday, 11/27/08, Thanksgiving Day. I could not skip my family tradition so I made Bob wake up, bundle up and go out for a Turkey Day walk. We definitely needed the walk as we ate so much. We enjoyed watching the Macy’s Day parade and getting all of the food ready for Bob’s family to come over. Everything was delicious and a huge thank you to Bob’s aunt & uncle on his dad’s side, and Bob’s aunt & uncle on his mom’s side for the food that they brought. After eating and cleaning up we were able to play some Catch Phrase. Later that evening after the family had left we took the Azar family picture for Christmas and a few pictures of Bob and I that could potentially be used for an engagement photo, thanks to Aaron who is a great photographer.

Friday, 11/28/08 Bob and I did some of our first steps of wedding/marriage planning. We met with the Deacon at the Cathedral of St. Paul to start the process of Catholic marriage prep and planning at wedding at the Cathedral. It made me nervous and excited all in one.
Later that day we met up with Tony and Mesa for some great friend time. I just have to say I love hanging out with them. We actually did a little shopping on black Friday and then we hung out with them into the evening where we went bowling and out for dinner at Bonfire on Grand. Oh how I miss Grand Ave. We ended the evening at their house where Tony and I had some drinks, Mesa slept and Bob sneezed from cat hair. Needless to say my pictures are not great from this night so I will not share!

Saturday, 11/29/08 Saturday we were able to relax with Bob’s family. We were again treated to lunch at one of our favorite restaurants, Everest on Grand, which is a Tibet, Nepal restaurant that is delicious. We went with Bob’s parents and then headed over for some Greek coffee in Minneapolis-I can’t remember the name of the place, but it was great. Homayoun and I enjoyed Greek coffee and Bob and Judi had their regular “weak” coffee. Later that evening we met up with Bob’s friends Krista and Nick for Thai food, and some major Rock Band playing at Nick’s house. When I get a chance I will post a picture of Bob concentrating so hard while playing!
Sunday, 11/30/08 After one last Persian meal at Bob’s house we left to come back home to Omaha. We were of course disappointed to leave the Twin Cities, all of our friends & family, and wonderful food-we ate too much. We knew reality had hit and we had to head back to school and work and long for Christmas to come so we can do it all over again. We were able to come home in time to watch the Vikings kill the Bears. That was a fun game.

Well more to come about this past week. I promise it will not be this long.

1 comment:

HE who is a Tape... as in Patrick Tape Fleming said...

man those catholic pre marrige things are a ball of fun.. let me tell you! good luck bob!