Monday, May 5, 2008

Contagious Allergies

The past few days have been horrible for allergies. That is this is the first time I have ever had allergies in my life. I don't know what happened. Growing up I only remember my dad having allergies complaining of horrible hay fever. Bob is allergic to so much, seasonal, cats, dust etc. So I have decided that there are only two logical reasons A. I am allergic to Nebraska or B. Allergies are contagious and living with Bob has made me have seasonal allergies. What? Are you saying both are wrong. Well all I know is that I don't feel stellar and it seems to be the excuse people are sick right now.

Bob finished up his last major final today. He has one left on Friday that is not too concerned about. I am excited for him to be done with school, I think he is probably even more excited than I am. Either way today is Cinco de Mayo and we are having tacos for dinner, I should have gotten some tequila for us and done shots tonight. Just kidding! Maybe I will have a pop to be completely crazy.

The weather is gorgeous out so I am hoping I can enjoy that a little too today. I took a half day off tomorrow so I will be able to get out and enjoy the day a little more tomorrow. Happy 5th of May everyone.

1 comment:

HE who is a Tape... as in Patrick Tape Fleming said...

YEAH tell bob congrats on his first year!!!
oh man I just finished ready my friends blog about her alergies now you too!
sniffle sniffle!
hope your are great