Friday, May 9, 2008

Simply the Best

After getting home from a long day at work and ready to be done for the weekend yesterday I recieved a package in the mail. Inside was the sweetest card and a beautiful necklace from my good friend Mesa. She is such a sweet heart and is so giving. She is always there to listen and complain to and I don't know what I would do without her as a friend. She also is there to help with any questions. She is so smart.

We were college roommates and learned alot from each other. Mostly that we shouldn't live together! We may not have alway had the best relationship but I think it has grown so much in the past years. Without Mesa I would have never met Bob, so thank you!

Mesa really has her life together. Her and Tony (Bob's best friend) have bought a house this winter and it is awesome. She has a great job. And now two little kittens. I can't wait to spend more time with you soon.

Bob and I look forward to living in the same City as you guys someday, but until then... we will have to just visit.

Mesa, Thank you!

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